What to Do if You Lose a Filling or Crown

A woman on a park bench holding the side of her mouth with one hand.

A woman on a park bench holding the side of her mouth with one hand.

Have you unexpectedly lost a filling or crown? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Follow these steps to keep the exposed area healthy and comfortable until you are able to get to the dentist.

Call Your Dentist

The first thing that you should do is call your dentist and book an appointment as soon as possible to get your tooth refilled. Don’t wait on this because it may take a few days to get you in for an appointment, depending on how booked up your dentist is.

Keep the Filling/Crown if You Can

If you still have the filling or crown, keep it and bring it to your dental appointment. Your dentist can then determine whether it is reusable or if they need to give you a whole new filling or crown. If the filling or crown got lost, that’s okay too–your dentist will just give you a new one in that case.

Gargle with Salt Solution

Add about ½ teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water to make a salt solution and gargle with it. This keeps the area clean, gets rid of food bits, and helps prevent infection of the area. Do this after eating or anytime you feel like the exposed tooth could use a little cleansing swish.

Apply Clove Oil for Pain

If you have pain, try using clove oil in the meantime before you can get to a dental appointment. You can buy clove oil over the counter and applying it to your tooth and gums partially numbs the area, reducing pain and making it easier to go about your day.

Keep the Exposed Tooth Clean

As much as you can, avoid chewing with the tooth that lost a crown or filling. It is also very important to keep up with good dental hygiene habits to make sure that the tooth is kept clean to prevent infection. Brush the area very gently twice a day and keep gargling with your saltwater solution daily.

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