Common Causes of Jaw Pain


Jaw pain is a common issue among people of all ages. Here are the most likely causes.

Teeth Grinding

Many people grind their teeth in their sleep, which can lead to damage of the jaw joint or muscles. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, talk to a dentist about getting a mouth guard to stop this and protect your jaw.

Dental Abscesses

If you have a tooth abscess or other dental pain, the pain from that can radiate outward and be felt in the jaw as well. If you are experiencing severe dental pain that is also affecting your jaw, see a dentist as soon as possible.


Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder, often referred to as either TMJ or TMD, is a very common cause of jaw discomfort. This disorder affects the jaw joints and can result in pain, feeling unable to fully open your mouth, and sometimes headaches.

How to Ease Jaw Pain

There are a number of simple things you can try at home to manage your jaw pain. If your jaw pain is severe or lasts for several days without improving, seek dental care immediately.

Joint Massage

Gently massage your jaw joints in a circular motion using your fingers. This can help to ease jaw pain, relax the muscles, and reduce tension.

Heat/Ice Packs

Applying hot and cold compresses to your jaw helps to reduce pain and promote healing.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil can help to relieve jaw pain and reduce inflammation. If you have chronic or severe jaw pain, Book Appointment.

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